
Rings of Hesaurun, Book 2

By Peter H

Book 2 Synopsis
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The fate of the Earth, and all humanity, rests in the hands of Valerie Dunne, the heroine from Book One of The Rings of Hesaurun. Thousands of years in the past, warring alien forces are preparing to harvest planet Earth of its resources, and enslave the human race, or stockpile them for consumption.

Meanwhile, on Earth, young Valerie finds herself used as a pawn in a ruthless power struggle against both alien and human forces bent on possessing the rings—at any cost. Will Valerie succumb to the terrifying threat of revenge from her nemesis, Egan Stone? Or will she finally learn to unleash the awesome power the five rings contain?

This astonishing, breathlessly-paced sequel to The Rings of Hesaurun is packed with spellbinding twists and turns. Weaving in an immense cast of memorable characters, with Book Two: The Ring Bearer, Peter Harrett has once again crafted a riveting universe of immortal conflict, love, loss and survival.

Disclaimer of Authors Rights:

The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

Copyright © 2022 by Peter Harrett

Peter Harrett supports the right to free expression and the value of copyright. The purpose of copyright is to encourage writers and
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